If you use ML-PLIC, please cite:
Chao Shen, Junjie Ding, Zhe Wang, Dongsheng Cao, Xiaoqin Ding, Tingjun Hou*, From machine learning to deep learning: advances in scoring functions for computational docking, WIRES Computational Molecular Science, 2020, 10, e1429. [HTML]
Chao Shen, Ye Hu, Zhe Wang, Xujun Zhang, Haiyang Zhong, Gaoang Wang, Xiaojun Yao, Lei Xu, Dongsheng Cao*, Tingjun Hou*, Can machine learning consistently improve the scoring power of classical scoring functions? insights into the role of machine learning in scoring functions, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2020. [HTML]
Zhe Wang, Huiyong Sun, Xiaojun Yao, Dan Li, Lei Xu, Youyong Li, Sheng Tian, Tingjun Hou*, Comprehensive evaluation of ten docking programs on a diverse set of protein-ligand complexes: prediction accuracy of sampling power and scoring power, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016, 18, 12964-12975. [HTML]
Huiyong Sun, Peichen Pan, Sheng Tian, Lei Xu, Xiaotian Kong, Youyong Li, Dan Li, Tingjun Hou*, Constructing and Validating High-Performance MIEC-SVM Models in Virtual Screening for Kinases: A Better Way for Actives Discovery, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 24817. [HTML]
Tingjun Hou*, Nan Li, Youyong Li, Wei Wang*, Characterization of domain-peptide interaction interface: prediction of SH3 domain-mediated protein-protein interaction network in yeast by generic structure-based models, Journal of Proteome Research, 2012, 11, 2982-2995. [HTML]