
In this module, users can prepare the structures of protein and ligands, and dock the ligands into the pocket of the receptor.

Structure preparation is achieved using AutoDockTools. Two docking programs (QuickVina and Smina) are provided for ligand docking. QuickVina is faster than Smina (about 2 fold) without compromising accuracy. Therefore, QuickVina is set as the default docking program and recommended when a great number of ligands are waiting to be docked.

To figure out where the biding site is, four methods are offered:

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Docking Panel

type parameter description
protein repair

repair protein structure [detail...]

bonds_hydrogens: build bonds and add hydrogens;

bonds: build a single bond from each atom with no bonds to its closest neighbor;

hydrogens: add hydrogens;

checkhydrogens: add hydrogens only if there are none already;

None: do not make any repairs;


delete every non-standard residue [detail...]

yes: delete any residue whose name is not in ['CYS', 'ILE', 'SER', 'VAL', 'GLN', 'LYS', 'ASN', 'PRO', 'THR', 'PHE', 'ALA', 'HIS', 'GLY', 'ASP', 'LEU', 'ARG', 'TRP', 'GLU', 'TYR','MET'];

no: no deletion;

protein cleanup

remove necessary atoms [detail...]

non-polar hydrogens: merge charges and remove non-polar hydrogens;

lone pairs: merge charges and remove lone pairs;

water residues: remove water residues;

chains: remove chains composed entirely of residues of types other than the standard 20 amino acids;

standard: all the options mentioned above;

ligand repair

repair ligand structure [detail...]

bonds_hydrogens: adds hydrogens and builds bonds to any non-bonded atoms;

bonds: build a single bond from each atom with no bonds to its closest neighbor;

hydrogens: add hydrogens;(PyBabel is used for adding all hydrogens, not just polar-hydrogens;)


add Gasteiger partial atomic charges [detail...]

yes: add Gasteiger partial atomic charges;

no: If this option is used, the input ligand should already have partial atomic charges;

ligand cleanup

remove necessary atoms [detail...]

non-polar hydrogens: merges non-polar hydrogens by adding the charge of each non-polar hydrogen to the carbon to which it is bonded and then removes the non-polar hydrogen from the ligand molecule;

lone pairs: merges lone-pairs by adding the charge of each lone pair to the atom to which it is 'bonded' and then removes the lone-pair;

standard: all the options mentioned above;


this value restricts where the movable atoms should lie


exhaustiveness of the global search (roughly proportional to time)


maximum number of binding modes to generate