ReMODE Help Document

ReMODE is a de novo drug platform based on deep learning. Users can use this platform to generate novel protein kinases inhibitors. The help document is as below.

  1. Generation
    1. (a) Submit Job
      Job Submit Panel
      Click on the figure to get more details
      In Physicochemical properties panel, if the multiple properties are seleted for customized generation, the quality of the generated molecules will be sharply declined.
      When pharmacophore conditioning or bayesian sampling is enable, the task takes longer (≥8h) to run.
      The molecular weight of the SMILES should be less than 500, and the maximum length of the SMILES string 140.
    2. (b) Check Job
      Status Check Panel
      Click on the figure to get more details
      For now, we allow up to 2 running jobs per user.
      The results for the jobs will be remained on the server for at most 30 days.
    3. (c) Get Results
      Result Display Page
      Click on the figure to get more details
      You can get the result using the job id.

    The user can download all of the generated molecules (SMILES string) via the "DOWNLOAD" page.